September 18, 2013

Having Plenty in your time of Need.

Yesterday afternoon, Henry took a lengthy nap due to not feeling well. When he naps, it's usually my rush hour to catch up on laundry, dishes, or anything little hands can't get into! But yesterday, I just took a breather. I sat in my recliner, bible in hand, searching for an encouraging word to lift me up. Just then my mom called on the phone and told me this verse was for me:

Philippians 4:12-13

"12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

There is so much truth in the entirety of this passage for me lately. Since about the middle of June, we have been playing catch up with life and all the expenses that comes with it. (Babies cost a pretty penny, but they are worth EVERY SINGLE CENT.) We have been barely getting by in order to pay off big chunks of debts we have, and it has been beyond extremely tight. It has worn on us everyday all day for months now, but things are finally looking attainable. All the while trying to maintain trust and faith in God and His plan. I'd be lying if I said that I've had a positive, trusting attitude the whole time during this hard season. There were times of anger, doubt, and downright despair. But yet, there were also times of trust, hope, and counting of blessings. I think that's what strengthens your relationship in Christ altogether. You would never know blessings if you didn't know struggles, you wouldn't know happy if you didn't know sadness, you wouldn't know the greatness of a life in God if you didn't know God in life before. For that, I can surely say I'd take any struggle, as long as I can do hard things through HIM who STRENGTHENS ME. Even in this hard season, as much hardships as there were, it made every little blessing stand out so visibly to me. Like the time an older woman saw me at church crying and came and put her arm around me, Henry's smiles, new budding friendships, all those things were standing out so much and gave me extra gratitude.

This song and verse go along with this so perfectly, so click the link and look it up if you'd like:

Laura Story-Blessings
Psalm 27:13

What about you? Have you known being in true need? Have you had plenty?

What have you learned from both?

XOXO, Kess

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