July 22, 2013

Care Cards.

In the past seven months, I have discovered my life's passion, Motherhood.

 Henry has given my life such exhilaration and my heart such uncontainable joy. The instincts and love that immediately sweeps you up as soon as they are born is indescribable. There is nothing more emotional than being a parent. One moment finds you blessed and proud, the next leaves you drained and overwhelmed. The ups and downs can wreck havoc on your heart, and as a new mom this can be quite daunting and hopeless. So if you are a mommy, mommy to be, or plan on ever being a mommy...know this. Your children don't need to see a supermama. They need to see a mama who needs a super God. I'm learning that being the mama I want to be isn't so much about being more, but believing more; believing and trusting more in the God who sees me, who tends to me, who hears me and answers.

I opened up Henry's baby book today, reminiscing of early memories and learning experiences. To be handed a 7lb fragile, new little life was both wondrous and nerve-wracking.  Of course I love him tremendously, but am I going to be equipped to be the mother God needs me to be?? The first months were stepping stones of learning, and as a new mommy it all seemed so much to grasp. Even though I've only been a mommy 7 months, I can still look back and see I have came a long way. I remember those feelings of fatigue and desperation like it was yesterday. Now I'm not saying everything goes smooth as butter now, but I can look back with a grin at how far I've came on this journey.

I set Henry's book down, and an idea comes to mind.

I search new mom encouragement on Google and do my own little research. An opportunity pops up on my screen.

I've looked into Johnson's Baby website and they recently have kicked off a wonderful campaign. In May, they launched a e-card digital platform helping to brighten the days of deserving moms across the country. On their Facebook page you can create messages of encouragement to new mommas to uplift and reassure them of the wonderful job they are doing. For every Care Card sent, shared or ‘liked’, Johnson's Baby will donate $1.00, which will benefit Save the Children programs such as "Early Steps to School Success", an early childhood education initiative. Pretty neat right??

If you would like to join me in this awesome cause, I've included the link for you to start your own card:

Johnson's Baby Care Cards

Motherhood is not made to go through alone. All of us need some loving words of encouragement or a friend along the way. A happy mom who is secure in herself and at ease in her life is a rare gift that children love and appreciate. I know these care cards would've been such a blessing when Henry was first born, so I cannot wait to send some to a mommy who needs some assurance. I am so excited for this effort, and thought I would pass it along. Have a great week :) remember, be kind to one another.

Xoxo, Kess

July 17, 2013


Sometimes, in order to gain some perspective on things, you have to halt for a moment.

Just stop.

Start thinking, think deeper.

After all, you can’t see your reflection in running water, only in still water.

When something is bugging you, sometimes you just gotta be like a water repellant and let the B.S. just drip right off you.

And sometimes… When your mind just can’t comprehend, can’t understand.. When nothing makes sense – that’s when you have to realize that the only way to live your life at peace with yourself and your surroundings is by looking at things through your heart and not your mind.

It's good to be back.

PS, I missed you.

Xoxo, Kess ♥