April 7, 2013

Who am I?

I am...22 years old. A wife, mommy, daughter, sister, friend, and child of God.

I want...to be different, one-of-a-kind.

I have...so much to give. 

 I wish... and will travel the world. Preferably cruise style.

I hate...confrontation and negativity.

I fear...the state of our country and our world. 

I hear...others' cries for love.

I search...for Christ in everything.

I wonder...and over analyse a lot.

I regret...nothing because I am where God wants me to be.

I love...to laugh.

I ache...when friends go through hard times.

I always...aim to make one person laugh/smile each day.

I usually...live life spontaneously.

I am not...the wisest,  most beautiful,  or talented. But I have a huge heart.

I dance and sing...not well, but it makes Henry smile.

I never...could give up coffee. EVER.

I sometimes...laugh randomly.

I cry...when I think about those I miss.

I am not always...decisive about where to go eat.

I lose...myself when I'm at church.

I am confused...when people are mean for no reason.

I need...to always feel God's presence in my life.

I will...finish writing my books someday.

I should...never stop having faith.

I aspire...to be a blessing to everyone God places in my life.

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